2013年9月28日 星期六

Genome annotation


MAKER2於2011發表於BMC Bioinformatics,截至2013/9/28為止,在Google Scholar累積28篇論文引用之。在這些引用MAKER2的論文中,我們已經先看過A beginner's guide to eukaryotic genome annotation, 也用過了ParsEval: parallel comparison and analysis of gene structure annotations。其中值得閱讀的相關文獻有:

ab initio prediction (e.g. Augustus)階段就加入RNA-seq資訊也是可以考慮的方法:
最後,另有一可能的解決方案,是直接從RNA-seq data著手:

2013年9月21日 星期六

NGS-based genome assembly and annotation

日前實驗室剛完成一個draft of a plant genome (including annotation)

決定務實一點,先將該pipeline應用於較小的genome sequencing projects (e.g. fungal genomes)
  1. 結構生物資訊學 week 1 (Sep. 9, 2013) Introduction to NGS
  2. Monya Baker, De novo genome assembly: what every biologist should know, Nature methods, vol. 9, no. 4, 333-337, 2012.
  3. 結構生物資訊學 week 2 (Sep. 16, 2013) NGS-based genome assembly
  4. Mark Yandell and Daniel Ence, A beginner's guide to eukaryotic genome annotation, Nature Reviews: Genetics, vol. 13, 329-342, 2012.
  5. 結構生物資訊學 week 3 (Sep. 23, 2013) Gene prediction
  6. JGI Fungal Annotation Pipeline
  7. PASA in the Context of a Complete Eukaryotic Annotation Pipeline (Broad Institute)
  8. 結構生物資訊學 week 4 (Sep. 30, 2013) Gene annotation


10/5 (Sat) 15:00-16:00
Diversity of a gene family encoding putative effectors in the rice blast fungus 
(Dr. Daniel Ebbole)

10/5 (Sat) 16:00-17:00
Basic bioinformatics: how to use PERL for BLAST search and SNP detection 
(Dr. Daniel Ebbole)

10/6 (Sun) 09:30-10:45
Genomic analysis of conidiation in the Ascomycete fungi 
(Dr. Daniel Ebbole)

10/6 (Sun) 10:45-12:00
Fusarium pathogenomics: understanding fungal pathogenicity through genomics 
(Dr. Li-Jun Ma)

10/7 (Mon) 09:30-10:30
High performance computing for life science (Bioinformatics pipeline at Univ. of Massachusetts) 
(Dr. Li-Jun Ma)